
NZ登山の準備について(Preparation for tramping in NZ)




Speaking of trekking in NZ, most people would think of world-famous Great Walks, such as Milford Track, Routeburn Track, and Keplar Track. Although these tracks are truly beautiful, they are only a small part of vast mountainous ranges in NZ.

This time, I would like to enjoy tramping (trekking or hiking is called tramping in NZ and it's a concept unique to NZ) off the beaten track just as I enjoy it in Japan, planning a route, preparing maps and collecting necessary information on my own.

Today, I will introduce the information I have got so far.

  • ①行きたい場所を検討する  Considering where to go

(ⅰ)書籍 Books


Moir's Guide シリーズはニュージーランドで山を歩くなら必携だろう。世界的に有名なミルフォード、ルートバーントラックなどから、バックカントリーの道なき道まであらゆるルートの情報を網羅している。

Moir's Guide series, which was first published in 1925 and has been updated regularly, is the most comprehensive and reliable book when you enjoy tramping and mountaineering in NZ. 


Moir's Guide has North and South series, and mainly introduces Mt. Aspiring National Park and Fiordland National Park respectively.


 Lonely Planetは北島から南島までほぼ全ての山域のトランピングコースをカバーしている。しかし、多少各トラックの情報量が少ない。

Lonely Planet Hiking & Tramping in New Zealand (Travel Guide)

Lonely Planet Hiking & Tramping in New Zealand (Travel Guide)



(ⅱ)ネット Information on the Internet

New Zealand Tramper: hiking and walking community information


New Zealand Tramper is a really useful website. It has introduction of tramping routes around the country, and also has forums where users can ask questions or exchange beneficial information.

(ⅲ)現地団体 Local organizations

Otago Tramping and Mountaineering Club (OTMC)

日本で言う「山岳会」は現地ではTramping Club もしくはTramping and Mountaineering Club(TMC)。各地にあるので、地名+Trampingなどで検索をかけてみると色んな記録が見つかる。例えばオタゴ地方のダニーデンを拠点にするこのTMCの記録は写真も豊富でイメージが湧きやすいだろう。

This Tramping and Mountaineering Club (TMC), which is based in Duniden, has records and photos on its website, and quite useful when you want to imagine what it's like to enjoy tramping in NZ.

  • ②地図を見る Browse the maps


Topographic maps in NZ can be found on the Internet and accessible for anyone. You can browse them as you like and make a rough plan.

  • ③地図をダウンロードする Download the maps


After making a rough plan, you can download the maps you need from Land Information New Zealand(LINZ) and make a photocopy of them. Next, refer to books or previous records found on the internet and write down necessary information on the copied map to make a more detailed plan. 

(※)ナビゲーション Navigation



By using paper maps together with the GPS app below,  you can reduce the risk of getting lost.



Wilderness - New Zealand's Tramping, Hiking, Camping and Outdoors Magazine


Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand – Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of New Zealand is a comprehensive guide to our peoples, natural environment, history, culture, economy and society.


Department of Conservation
